This blog post includes the instructions on how to fit a Suntile quick kit in 5 minutes 
How to fit a Suntile Quick Kit in 5 minutes. 
1. Mark the position of the Suntile with a cross or similar. Remove the tile and cut the felt below on the sides and bottom, and fold around the upper batten lifting the felt slightly. 
2. Remove the surrounding tiles as per photo and store for re-use. 
3. Take the Suntile and place into position. 
4. Next put the Suntile into position and unfurl the secondary flashing pass over the battens up to the next course of felt, secure the secondary flashing in place tight down behind the batten course making sure there is a clear upstand behind the batten. Push the secondary flashing up under the overlap of the felt by at least 150mm and secure into position. 
5. Relay the existing tiles and secure into position. Make sure to secure and place the middle bottom tile first as it makes it easier when placing surrounding tiles. 
6. Clear up and you are finished. 
We also have video instructions on our website and YouTube if you require further visual instruction 
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